How to Burn Wood in Outdoor Fireplaces

There is nothing more inviting on a cool fall or winter night than sitting with a roaring outdoor fireplace enjoying warm beverage or roasted marshmallows. Built from a number of materials, including stone and metal, outdoor fireplaces and are cared for and maintained in much the exact same way as a classic indoor model. Before lighting a blaze in your outdoor fireplace, then give it a good once over before correctly stacking the logs and light a match.

Inspect the fireplace to get cracks or creatures that may have called it home. Mend a brick fireplace using mortar and allow the item to dry according to the package directions prior to building a fire. Allow a professional to repair your metal model. Whether there are any creatures that have taken up home in your outdoor fireplace, then get in touch with the animal control agency to remove and relocate the animal.

Cover the bottom of your outdoor fireplace having a 1- to 2-inch layer of sand or ash. Both products help keep the flame and cut down on the demand for additional wood after on.

Set a larger log, or one that is at least 8-to-10 inches in diameter, against the back of the fireplace, with a tiny log on top of it. Just use dry, seasoned wood and never attempt to burn treated wood in almost any fireplace, like an exterior model.

Put a smaller, 4- to 6-inch log directly before the larger log in the back. Gently press both logs into the ash to aid them burn more.

Fill in the gaps between the smaller and larger log with crumpled-up paper and small pieces of wood and branches, or kindling. Light the branches and paper with a match or lighter.

Monitor the fire and add more kindling when required. For added protection, slip on a pair of insulated leather gloves while adding paper or wood to the fire.

Extinguish the fire by covering it with sand or ash. Never walk away from a burning fire or just dump the sand or ash on and assume it’s out. The fire is out when no embers are burning, so don’t leave until you are sure there’s not any prospect of this reigniting.

Wash out the ash before the next usage. Wait at least 24 hours following your final fire before scooping up the ash and any other remnants of your final blaze.

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