Tenant Employment Verification Questions

If a renter’s job doesn’t pay enough to cover the lease, the landlord should know prior to signing the lease. After a tenant moves , she can’t be thrown out without following state eviction laws–even if she stops paying rent. Landlord.com rates verification of a prospective tenant’s employment and income as the most essential background check a landlord can make.

Is your Tenant Employed?

A landlord should get in touch with the prospective renter’s employer to verify his job status. In case the candidate supplied his employer’s name and phone number, the landlord ought to compare it to the telephone book to make certain it’s the true number–instead of a friend covering for your applicantbefore calling. She must ask the applicant’s manager or the human resources department to confirm the applicant works there and to state how long he’s had the job.

Just how Much Can the Applicant Earn?

A landlord must ask the applicant to verify her income–for instance, by supplying W2 forms or a few months’ worth of her pay . The landlord must also ask the employer to confirm the salary. Many companies will not answer such questions, Landlord.com says, but some will.

What Will Be the Long-Term Job Prospects?

An employer may not need to speak about if the candidate has a future with the firm, or if he is likely to have a job six months from today. If, however, the candidate’s supervisor is willing to make a statement about the opportunity of continuing employment or promotion, the Landlord Protection Agency says, that’s good information to have.

Can the Tenant Verify Self-Employment Income?

Verifying income claims from an independent builder is tough, since she will have no boss to report to without a pay stubs. The very best a landlord could perform, Landlord.com says, is to inspect the candidate’s income tax types, since it is unlikely she better her income if paying taxes on it.

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