I Want Something to Waterproof and Paint an Outdoor Fountain With

Outdoor fountains are just one way to accent a landscape or garden. Use paint along with a waterproofing sealer developed for the substance your fountain is created from to find the best outcomes. With the paint, it is possible to make it blend in or stick out from its environment. With the waterproofing sealer, you are able to protect the fountain out of the weather and also help the fountain and the paint look good longer.

Ban Paint

While shopping for a paint for concrete fountains, look for paints designed for garage floors, driveways and other concrete surfaces. Masonry paint, otherwise called elastomeric paint, is designed for exterior concrete surfaces. It may offer some protection against climate changes and surface issues like cracks in the structure. Since elastomeric paint is thick, then be sure to use a wide-nozzle sprayer if you decide to spray on your fountain.

Metallic Paint

When choosing paint for a metallic fountain, look for 100 percent acrylic latex paint, which dries quickly and is very long lasting, or oil-based paint, that will adhere tightly to the surface of the fountain. Before you paint a metallic fountain, it has to be cleaned and wiped down with vinegar or turpentine. After it is clean and dry, you can put on two coats of a primer that is made to resist rust by spraying or painting it.

Vinyl Paint

While browsing for a paint for plastic fountains, look for plastic paint. There are particular varieties of paint made especially to bond with plastic, since other kinds of paint do not adhere well to plastic. For plastic comes in a can, paint created. To use it, then shake the tin, then spray from a distance of 12 to16 inches until the whole surface is coated. Wait until the first layer dries, then use another layer of plastic paint.


After you’ve painted the surface of the fountain, any apparent waterproof coating will operate to waterproof the fountain. If you’ve got a concrete fountain, look for a sealant like a masonry and concrete sealer that will provide protection against harsh weather. Many waterproof sealers protect against sunlight, water and other kinds of environmental damage, so have a look at a couple of brands before selecting which one you want.


Unless the paint you choose has a primer, look at using a primer onto the surface of the fountain before incorporating the paint. To use a primer, dip a brush into the mixture, run it on the rim of the can to remove extra primer, then run the brush on the fountain so smooth, long strokes. Wait for the primer before applying the paint to dry. Stir the paint before using it on the fountain. Dip the brush in the paint, then run it on the rim of the paint can to eliminate any surplus, then paint the fountain using the brush. Wait for the paint to dry before applying a sealant. Always paint on a dry, sunny day so that the fountain may sit out and dry completely before any poor weather.

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