The Way to Look for Grant Deed Information

Real estate documents are situated in local government offices that record property transactions, like sales, refinances and other transports. In most states, such as California, the government division is at the county level and is generally referred to as the county recorder’s office. Some states require property documents to be filed in the clerk’s office of the local county courthouse, even though a few nations, including Connecticut, parts of Massachusetts and Rhode Island, require property documents to be recorded in cities or towns. In all instances, these are public documents you are able to review. One of them, you’ll discover grant deed information.

Obtain the owner’s entire name and the address of this property for which you search grant deed information. In the event the grant deed information you seek is to get a property you are purchasing, the owner-seller should provide this information to you. If you are simply doing name research for a home, it is possible to discover the address information by making a site visitnevertheless, finding ownership will vary in difficulty based on the workplace where property documents are kept. By way of instance, the recorder’s office in San Diego County supplies ownership information by telephone, whereas the Los Angeles County Recorder’s office needs an office visit.

Examine the government office site, when available, for information regarding a look of this grantor-grantee indicator for property documents. Sometimes, like in San Francisco and San Diego counties, this information can be obtained online. In Los Angeles County, the information is currently only available in-person from the people viewing room at the recorder’s office.

Locate the indicator together with the grantor-grantee information, whether from an online system or at the recorder’s office. The indicator will list all of the transactions involving the proprietor for the real estate you are interested in searching. By way of instance, for the grant deed information you are searching, the current owner will be listed as the grantee, and the man who transferred the property to him will be listed as the grantor. Examine the grantee indicator for the grantor’s name, and you’ll come across the name of the person who transferred the property to him. Searching the indicator for every successive name you locate, you can go back in time as much as you want–or as much as possible–to determine all of the prior owners.

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